Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Feeling overwhelmed? It happens to everyone - you add on one little thing to your WAHM plate and over time you find it tough to carry the load,,,

Feeling overwhelmed? It happens to everyone - you add on one little thing to your WAHM plate and over time you find it tough to carry the load. Here are some tips to find your focus:
Write it All Down. Make a list of all the things you are doing to promote your business or find another job. If you are a blogger, write down all the blogs you write for.
Are You Getting Paid? After you have your list, put a dollar amount next to each item. If you think it will pay off over time, use two columns and write down how much it is making right now and how much you think it will make in six months.
What Isn’t Worth It? After you have your pricing written down you should see some items that are not bringing in the money you want them to. Can you improve the items with low returns? Are there some things you can quit doing to focus on more profitable items on your list?
It is almost always easier to make more money from something that is already bringing in money than to make money from something sitting at zero.
Focus what you’re doing and get some time back in your day.

About Jackie Ladner-
Jackie Ladner has been a network marketer for over four years. She has been a Virtual Assistant, an Internet Marketer, and a graphic designer...but her one true love is writing and that is what she's settled in to do for the long haul. She is a freelance writer and blogger and her work has been featured
You can find her website at

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